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UNICEF Article of the Week Challenges

By 13 January 2025No Comments

This week we will be exploring articles 7& 8.

Article 7 – birth registration, name, nationality, care

Every child has the right to be registered at birth, to have a name and nationality, and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by their parents.

Article 8 – Protection and Preservation of Identity

Every child has the right to an identity. Governments must respect and protect that right, and prevent the child’s name, nationality or family relationships from being changed unlawfully.

To help us think about Articles 7 and 8 more critically, have a go at one or more of the activities below:

Activity 1 

Look at a map of the world or a globe. How many different countries you can see? People have the right to belong to a country – this is called their nationality. What nationalities are represented in your class or group?

Activity 2 

It is important to try to pronounce people’s names correctly to respect the right to a name and identity. Read ‘Your Name is a Song’ by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow or watch this video. Turn your name into a song or write it phonetically to show how it is pronounced.

Activity 3 

Read ‘Alma and How She Got Her Name’. Find out the story of your name and then share this with your class.

Activity 4 

Identity is what makes you unique. How would you describe your identity to somebody who does not know you? Try using a mixture of words and pictures.
