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Unicef Article of the Week: 1, 4 & 41

By 11 September 2023No Comments

This week we will be exploring Articles 1, 4 and 41:

Article 1 makes clear that everyone under the age of 18 has all the rights in the Convention.

Article 4 states that governments must do all they can to make sure every child can enjoy their rights by creating systems and passing laws that promote and protect childrenā€™s rights.

Article 41 states that if a country has laws and standards that go further than the present Convention, then the country must keep these laws.

To help you understand these Articles a bit more, try one of the challenges below:

Activity 1Ā 

Your local MP/MSP/MLA/MS can have influence on the Government. Why not send them a postcard with a message to explain why you think their role in supporting and protecting children’s rights is so important? You could even invite them into your school to talk about what they do to support and protect childrenā€™s rights.

Activity 2Ā 

Article 41 says that if a country has laws and standards that are better or stronger than the Convention, then the country must keep these laws. Do some research about the history of education laws in the UK to see how childrenā€™s right to an education improved enormously in our part of the world, even before the CRC was adopted by the United Nations in 1989.

Activity 3Ā 

All children are special and important, and governments have to do all they can to make sure that each child enjoys their rights. Read the book Every Child a Song by Nicola Davies and Marc Martin and discuss what makes each child in your class special. Why not create a whole school display based on the book?
