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“Coding and making technology is like reading, writing and arithmeticā€¦just another way of expressing yourself in the modern world”

Alex Klein, Founder of Kano, 30 July 2019



Willow Brook is proud to be serving a community to ensure that every learner becomes a digital champion. Computing at Willow Brook will be about enabling everybody to become confident users of technology. To be able to think critically about the Online World and engage with it safely and securely. This will be achieved by an innovative and flexible programme of cross curricular enquiry-based challenges where everybody gets to become accomplished computational thinkers, collaboratively applying Computing skills to learn about our World through Data Science by being resilient creative Coders and #InternetLegends.

We will achieve this through a curriculum that has been adapted from the standards set by the DfE funded National Centre for Computing Education and connections with the British Computing Society (BCS) Computing at Schools Network. The Computing curriculum is organised into five equally weighted blocks: Computational Thinking, Digital Citizenship, Coding, Digital Creativity and Data Science. These blocks are independent but inter-related to each other.

In an era when technology is ubiquitous to so many every day, digital literacy, computational thinking, the ability to understand data science as well as engaging with such technology safely and securely are vital life-long skills whose priority must be on a par with reading, writing and functional arithmetic skills.


Curriculum Documents

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
