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Primary Admissions Procedure

Willow Brook Primary is a three form entry Primary School (90 pupils in every year group). Our admissions are managed by the London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF). We follow the Waltham Forest community schools criteria, except for the sibling definition.*

If there are more applications than there are places available at a school, the following criteria, in priority order, is used to decide who should be offered a place.

Please note, Special Educational Needs Children who have a statement of special educational needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) are placed in schools under the terms of the Education Act 1996 and the Children and Families Act 2014. They are not considered under the Admission Criteria referred to below. These children and young people will be allocated a place at the school they must attend which will be named on the Statement or EHCP.

Priority 1 ā€“ Looked-After Children or previously Looked-After Children
Priority 2 ā€“ Medical or social reasons or Children ā€˜At Riskā€™
Priority 3 ā€“ Siblings*
Priority 4 ā€“ School staff children
Priority 5 ā€“ Distance

*Sibling means:

  • a full brother or sister;
  • a half-brother or sister;
  • a stepbrother or stepsister; and
  • foster brother or sister;
  • child of a parent or carerā€™s partner living at the same address

In all cases, the sibling must be living at the same address and must still attend the school at the time of admission of the child for whom the application is being made. If you do not provide the name and date of birth of your childā€™s sibling, we will not be able to take it into account and it will affect your childā€™s chances of being offered a place at the school.

More detailed information on the criteria and how to apply for a Primary School place is available on the Waltham Forest website which you can access by following this link:

If you wish to make an application please use Waltham Forest’s eAdmissions portal.

In Year Admissions

All in year admissions after the start of the year must be done via Waltham Forest, who will allocate places if they are available. For more information see their website

Nursery Admissions

If you wish your child to join our Nursery, we have 45 places in the morning and 45 places in the afternoon, applications can be made directly at the Willow Brook School Office. Places are allocated according to age and we are currently admitting children who are 3 years old. We offer 20 full time places per academic year; you will need to provide your 30 hour eligibility code at the application stage. Please note, we are not able to offer any flexible hours or days. The sessions we offer at Willow Brook Nursery are:

AM Session 8.30am-11.30am
PM Session 12:30pm -3.30pm
Full Time ā€“ 8.30am ā€“ 3.30pm

Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
